


问学生 ambassadors are on break and currently unavailable to answer your questions. Students return in late September and will respond as soon as they are able.

Karam Sutham '25(他/他)

家乡: 泰国曼谷

大/小: Government and Legal Studies & 历史

皇冠体育活动: Head Illustrator for the Bowdoin Review (student-led magazine), work for the Government department and Student Activities Office, Board Member for the International Students Association

为什么皇冠体育? Bowdoin provides generous financial aid that made college education possible. I did not get a chance to tour the school but it was after the fact that I found the smaller class sizes allowed for discussions that I would not find elsewhere.



A photograph of student Rory Kliewer

Rory Kliewer '24 (she/they)

家乡: 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市

大/小: 生物与教育

皇冠体育活动: I am a leader for Bowdoin Naturalists, oSTEM (Out in STEM), and Bowdoin Symphony Orchestra on campus. I also love to go birding, read, and knit

为什么皇冠体育? Bowdoin is a place where everyone cares for everyone else. I felt that through the admissions process, and I have felt it even more strongly in my years at Bowdoin. People at Bowdoin come from many backgrounds and use that to bring compassion and enthusiasm to the classroom and their social lives. It means that you're always hearing new stories at Bowdoin and meeting wonderful new people. There is always an opportunity for a new experience, whether its whitewater kayaking or making a new friend.



A photograph of student Sadie New

Sadie New '25(她/她)

家乡: 圣达菲,新墨西哥州

大/小: 教育与心理学

皇冠体育活动: McKeen Center for the Common Good (mentoring and public service work), 皇冠体育电影协会, Bowdoin Student Government, Crocheting and watching movies, I've also been on an intramural badminton team and varsity rugby here. I also love working water polo games and am involved in a lot of their tournaments.

为什么皇冠体育? As someone who applied during the height of COVID and from abroad (I graduated high school in Ethiopia), I never really had access to campus, so to have everyone from Bowdoin be so kind, 病人, and empathetic during the application process meant a world of difference. Bowdoin students and staff try their best to make sure that everyone can find a space to belong here, 哪有这样的健康呢, productive community to be a part of, and has made all the difference for me as a student now! 



Sam Ralston’25(他/他)

家乡: Bow,新罕布什尔州

大/小: 经济学 & Government and Legal Studies

皇冠体育活动: Men's Ultimate Frisbee, Rotaract 社区 Service Club, working as a Learning Assistant

为什么皇冠体育? Growing up in a small town in New Hampshire, I wanted to get out and meet people from different backgrounds and a variety of places across the US and the world. Bowdoin's diverse student body drew me in, and Bowdoin students are some of the kindest, most interesting people I have ever met.



Franceska Drejaj '27 (she/her)

家乡: 布鲁斯特,纽约

大/小: 教育 and Government and Legal Studies/English

皇冠体育活动: 模拟试验, 模拟联合国, Quizbowl, QuestBridge Scholars Network, 天主教学生会, Korean Students Association, 唱诗班 & 无伴奏合唱,剧院

为什么皇冠体育? I truly believe that no other institution prioritizes the success of its students like Bowdoin. The combination of abundant resources and the comfort within community to use those resources is exactly what makes Bowdoin so special to me and why I chose to attend.



Cadence Lee '27(她/她)

家乡:  弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯

大/小: Prospective 经济学 and Math

皇冠体育活动: Bowdoin Women's Soccer team, Athletes of Color Coalition

为什么皇冠体育? The profound sense of community that greeted me when I first visited that drew me in. Not only is the Bowdoin community extraordinary, the resources Bowdoin provides for their students made me certain that I would have the support throughout my four years here to succeed.



亚历克斯矶法 '27(他/他)

家乡: 迈阿密,佛罗里达

大/小: Interested in Government and Legal Studies & 经济学/Interest in Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies

皇冠体育活动: 田径队, SOCA (Caribbean Students Association), 黑人学生会, 极地投资俱乐部

为什么皇冠体育? I chose Bowdoin because of the amazing resources, and the high living standards. I knew I wanted to attend a school that gave me access to a variety of resources that could help me to better achieve the goals I have set out for myself. 另外, Bowdoin prioritizes the living standards by ensuring students have access to quality dorms, 还有食品服务. I knew I wanted to be on a campus where the standard of living was great.




家乡: 玛丽埃塔,格鲁吉亚

大/小: 教育 & 历史

皇冠体育活动: Proctor for Residential Life, 足球学生经理, 鱼叉, WBOR DJ, club and intramural basketball and soccer

为什么皇冠体育? During my first week on campus, my head was spinning from meeting so many people and learning so much new information. When I went for a walk to clear my head, I ran into some sophomores who had just finished playing basketball and made some small talk. By the end, they invited me to join their pickup group chat. These guys who I had never met made me feel so at home on Bowdoin’s campus through just one conversation. I have been playing with them ever since, and they have become some of my best friends on campus. This shows just how kind and welcoming everyone is at Bowdoin and how they are always looking to support others and make new connections.
